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USAG Trampoline and Tumbling

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Things to know about T&T


Skill attainment in this wonderful sport generally takes a little longer to develop rather than in gymnastics due to the required early development of strong flight ability. To safely support all athletes, this program utilizes repetition-based lesson plans to build opportunities for the vestibular system to grow quickly.  

Athletes will know early on how to 'warm up' their inner ear, sense of rhythm, and total body alignment as they rise higher and higher towards their goals!


Beginner T&T

Our Beginner Trampoline and Tumbling Class is a perfect level for kiddos interested in all things trampoline! This sport is great for high energy athletes and a wonderful opportunity for shy kiddos to break loose. 

In this foundational level, athletes learn vocabulary specific to this sport, the concept of 'boundery lines' as it pertains to safety and the equipment, body awareness while in flight, vestibular awareness and development, cardiovascular strength and endurance, and so many other great health benefits!

Skills learned in this level include, but are not limited to; all position jumps, drops, turns, front salto rebound, front handspring, spotted back handspring, round-off, hurdling, power hurdling, front salto dismount, and more!

Events include: Euro Bed Trampoline, Black Bed Trampoline, Double Mini Trampoline, Tumble Trak, Rod Floor


Novice T&T

The Novice Class is for our athletes who've seen it before and are ready for more! Once Beginners have attained their two required Saltos (flips), they are eligible to mobilize into the Novice class.

This class begins Back Saltos and Back Handsprings as focused skills. Development of twisting-while-flipping begins. To mobilize into the next level, athletes must attain their Back Saltos and independent Back Handspring and have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of twisting-while-flipping. 

Skills Learned in this level include, but are not limited to; Front Pike, Back Tuck, Back Pike, Front Half, Twisting Direction, Two-Touch Pass, Independent Back-Handspring, Round-off Connections, and so much more!

Events include: Euro Bed Trampoline, Black Bed Trampoline, Double Mini Trampoline, Tumble Trak, Rod Floor




Intermediate T&T

Intermediate T&T athletes are in the big times now! This is the level when things get a whole lot more 'twisty.' 

Now that they have mastered 'flipping' forward and backwards in two of the three shapes, development of the third and final shape begins. Straight body shape! 

This is nothing like a lay-out! Athletes will learn the finer details of fine muscle control as the work towards rotation without utilizing a tuck or piked shape. Additionally, athletes begin working the infamous Barani, Rudi, and Randi series and ongoing training of their Front Half and Front Full. 

In this level Back Handsprings begin to take flight into Whips and multiple back handspring passes are built onto with back saltos mixed into the pass.

Events include: Euro Bed Trampoline, Black Bed Trampoline, Double Mini Trampoline, Tumble Trak, Rod Floor

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